CSR / We organize Annual Voluntary Blood Donation

We organize Annual Voluntary Blood Donation

Data Communication Corporate Blood Bank

Data Communication has always contributed to blood donation needs for colleagues, relatives, friends, even for clients, communicating the relevant needs to all colleagues through the HR department 
In July 2015, we decided to act in a scheduled way by creating a Corporate Blood Bank. Thus, we organized the 1st Voluntary Blood Donation in collaboration with Amalia Fleming  hospital and, hencforth, we repeat the action every year. 
The scope is to strengthen the blood bank of the company and support our employees and their families in case they need blood. Employee involvement is particularly encouraging, with many of them enthustically contributing to our efforts. 
Blood donation is being implemented at our headquarters in Melissia, whereas our colleagues of the branches contribute directly to hospitals in their area. We continue with the 5th voluntary blood donation held on September 25, 2018. 
In the context of this action, Ms. Zoi Douzeni, Vice President of Data Communication, said: "We are very proud to  demonstrate once more solidarity, social sensitivity and high sense of responsibility. For the 5th consecutive year Data Communication's Voluntary Blood Donation Day was embraced by our people, with a high 25% participation! Responding to our call, they devote a little of their time to offer the most precious asset and meet the needs of each member of the Data Communication family! "